A Treasure to Behold

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God.” Luke 12:6

This little sparrow came into clinic a few weeks ago with her mom and two sisters. Her sister was pretty sick with pneumonia. One of the girls was obviously mentally handicapped as well and Sara (not her real name) was squinting so badly to just find a chair to sit in. We took care of the sick little one and I began to ask the mom about her family situation. Her husband had left her several years ago for another woman in the village. They were all dressed poorly and looked unkept, so I asked her what they had for breakfast that morning. She replied “herbs” which means that they had gone out to gather whatever edible plants they could find. So, we loaded them up with food which the mom very shyly accepted. Later when we left, I saw her unpacking the bag of food in front of our neighbor and excitedly pointing to the clinic.

I told mom about an eye doctor who was scheduled to come the next week, thinking that there was probably no way she would ever come. But she did! And here is little Sara with her new glasses!

Her mom came to the Widow’s meeting this week and while she is technically not a widow, she will learn to make baskets with the rest of them and have a small income and food once a month. Please pray that these girls might know Jesus as their provider!

It has been a busy month with lots of visitors all of whom have blessed us in so many ways. A new general surgeon came who knew Miriam and Prosper in Zimbabwe. He served as a missionary there for many years.  We are hoping that he and is wife will join us again soon! A work team from Chicago came again this year and helped with landscaping and a variety of other projects. And a group from Ohio came with a dentist and optometrist. We hope that they will return as well. It is such a blessing to work beside people whose hearts are so willing to serve the people here!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. May the Lord bless and keep you! 

Leslie Ficker